joi, 30 noiembrie 2017

this is just great

OK so this blog may or may not involve the fact that i'm not actually what i try to be in this blog (a dinosaur scientist, meaning a dinosaur that talks science and try's to make sense) any way let's start the thing

Have you ever went trough an existential crisis? Well i am experiencing one right now due to some guys that can not mad up their mind on where my species falls in the phylogeny of dinosaurs. 

So I'm a Siats meekerorum, on short a dinosaur, and some of you guys can't really figure me out, in fact due to that i can't really figure me out either, because you guys are saying that my species is a species of, quote: "large neovenatorid theropod dinosaur", but than, you say that my species is close related with Megaraptor which has a dubious inclusion in the phylogeny of Tetanurae due to the fact that all of the megaraptorids have traits from both Coelurosauria and Carnosauria. 

And due to the fact that in most of the classifications my own species is included in Megarptora I don't really know what the heck I am, so can you help me?

PS: Please excuse the language or the fact that I failed to post in a long time on this blog